Thursday, January 8, 2009

The question game

Why would one put the question game in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead? I think that the director added this game into the movie to further confuse the audience. The game that they play does not quite make sense in some ways. As Rosencrantz and Guildenstern play then begin to find out who is who when Guildenstern calls Rosencratz name. This could be one of the reasons why the director put the game into the movie. Lastly this game could also fallow the story because it doesn't quite make sense like some other parts in the movie.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What is Art?

The dictionary defines art as this "the class of objects subject to aesthetic criteria; works of art collectively, as paintings, sculptures, or drawings: a museum of art; an art collection."

I believe that art is something that is created to have some type of meaning or purpose. For example a car that was created in my eyes could be called "art" because it has intricate lines shapes and ideas that went into it so that it in the end could be purposeful.

Another example of art in my eyes is a painting. This can be art because it can have a purpose of brightening somebodies day or having someone be inspired by it.

All in all i think art it art.period.

Monday, October 20, 2008

She Unnames Them

The literature reading of She Un-names Them i believe is postmodern. I think this becasue it is saying everything is only relavant to each individual. Secondly it says there is no God even though it is talking about Adam and Eve. Also i believe that it is postmodern because everyone is their own god and make their own reality which points towards postmodern.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

American Pie

I believe that the song American Pie by Don Mclean is postmodern and here are a couple of reasons.
  1. First off McLean is pretty much saying there is no God because he says this, "The father, son, and the holy ghost, they caught the last train for the coast" a real God would not flee from a situation, becase if he was God he would always be in control.
  2. The conflict in this song i believe is with the music being "dead" and without it people have no hope.
  3. As for the values in this song it says that they all went to the levy and drank with all there friends and that seems to be the basis in which the people live their lives.
  4. When McLean says "...and while the king was looking down, the jester stole his thorny crown" i believe that he is saying we have control over our world and that there really isnt a God because we stole his perch as ruler and got rid of him.
  5. Hope and identity is brought around with the line that states "And i knew if i had my chance that i could make those people dance and, maybe, they'd be happy for a while" and he is saying that hope lies in music and not in God
  6. Lastly, i think that Mclean suggests that truth is how we view it (which is postmodern) because his life revolves around music and how you take it and apply it to your life.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Paradise Lost

The topic that i choose to write about is Truth and reality. First off truth in paradise lost the truth is what the devil says it is. Secondly, what is real and what is not real is hard to interperate because the text can be taken many ways. I believe that the world he is living in is real to him. As for is there an aboslute truth in the text i dont believe there is because Satan is the one saying those truths and he is not to be trusted. Lastly i do not think that the words of the devil are reliable because satan is able to lies which means his words are not reliable.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wizard of Oz

I believe that the wizard of Oz takes a post modern world view because of these reasons.
  • Postmodernism says that truth cannot be known and i believe that this is shown by Dorthy waking up at the end of it and it just being a dream even though it felt so real.
  • Secondly Postmodernism says that each person has their own view of truth, this is show when Dorthy shows up at Oz and the so called "god" turns out to be a man. In his truth he was god which gives it a postmodern world view.
  • Lastly The Wizard of Oz is postmodern because they believe there is no god and as it turns out in the end of the movie there is no god and it turns out to be a man behind a curtain.

L.A. homework

When reading literature and searching for a world view you first of all need to deduce the authors ideas on that subject. Then after that we need to look into the writing and see if there are any clues that could lead us to an opinion on that world view. Also i believe that you cannot look for a specific world view in literature because everything that the author says is his view. In turn that makes his thoughts his world view on whatever he is writing about.